Now Available on DVD, Blu-ray, and Netflix
The recent upswing in the quality of horror films has made
me much more receptive to what I had thought was a pretty creatively dead
genre. It wasn’t that I thought good
horror films couldn’t be made, just
that good horror films probably wouldn’t
be made considering the budgetary and studio greenlighting restrictions in
mainstream cinema. However, the indie
circuit has responded with some modern classics as of late, so I was willing to see
if The Hallow, another of that brood,
would be able to live up to the reputation of the modern horror
renaissance. It didn’t.
Adam, Clare, and their infant son Finn move to a backcountry
Irish town so that Adam may survey the local flora, which is set to be cut down
by Adam’s logging employers. The locals
shun Adam’s presence and warn of The Hallow, a supernatural group of fungal
creatures who live in the forest and steal infants. The creatures eventually attack Adam and
Clare so that they may steal young Finn away from them.
As far as horror plots go, it’s a pretty conventional
creature feature, though props must be given to the practical effects used to
create the Hallow themselves. Apparently
human, yet moving in otherworldly ways and covered from head to toe in fungus,
they are gross to behold and move appropriately. First-time director Corin Hardy seems to have
taken a lot of inspiration from Evil Dead,
because his jump scares and fascination with body horror seem very reminiscent
of Sam Raimi’s early work, right down to images of eyeball penetration and skin-breaking
What’s missing from Hardy’s freshman effort, however, is any
sense of investment or fun. Adam and
Clare are mere cyphers, their only defining character trait being that they
love their son and (I guess) each other.
This makes the creature-less first half of the film a slog to get
through, presumably filling out time to meet the all-important
no-creature-for-the-first-hour rule. But
by not using that time to make the characters interesting or relatable, all the
later setpieces fail to be tense because no effort was put into making the
audience care about those suffering on-screen.
This could have been mitigated by a more lighthearted tone, a la Raimi,
but Hardy pushes the film so straight that it falls flat.
There is potential in The
Hallow, and its commitment to practical effects alone makes it stand out
among other horror films. However, it’s
by no means an entertaining film, and it doesn’t succeed as another indie
showcase of the potential horror has to make a comeback. This will likely be forgotten rather quickly
by those who even hear about it, and that obscurity is probably for the
best. Corin Hardy likely deserves
another shot at directing, and if he can learn from the story-structural mistakes
of this stumble, he just might have a career ahead of him.